Why are BuySelf sellers more successful than other flat fee sellers? | BuySelfRealty.com


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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

Why are BuySelf sellers more successful than other flat fee sellers?

Agents are motivated to sell Agent Friendly listings
The key to our sellers' success is our proven home selling system that creates an Agent Friendly Listing. Agent Friendly is a concept and term that BuySelf invented since pioneering flat fee listings in 1998. Since real estate agents influence almost nine of ten home buyers, motivating agents to show and sell BuySelf listings is the key to home selling success.

Other Flat Fee Listings repel nine out of ten buyers
Other flat fee companies list properties in an agent unfriendly way, which confuses and repels agents and therefore all the buyers they represent. Think of an Agent Friendly listing as BuySelf Realty's secret sauce recipe that few even attempt to imitate, and none succeed.

What differentiates an Agent Friendly Listing?
A listing is either Agent Friendly, where agents are motivated to show and sell, or Agent Unfriendly, where agents are alienated and not likely to show a listing to their buyers.

Agent Friendly Listing elements you CAN'T see
There are over 50 elements that determine whether a listing is Agent Friendly, most are not visible to consumers. Agent Friendliness is like an iceberg—only a small part is visible. Much lies beneath, and the danger lies in what can't be seen. Many of these key elements are also counter-intuitive to a typical consumer--the opposite of "common sense."

What makes a listing Agent Friendly?
We've identified over 50 elements that determine Agent Friendliness based on nearly 20 years of experience with flat fee MLS listing sellers. Most of the elements are "built in" or default on our listings, and the others a seller can self evaluate with our Listing Grader quiz, which is available to all our customers.

How to tell if a listing is Agent Friendly
Here are a few of the more visible elements of an Agent Friendly listing:

  • The Yard Sign: Does the yard sign mention the term owner, fsbo, etc. or prominently advertise a flat fee listing service?
  • Seller Education: Does the service include guidance on how to list the property for maximum buyer agent motivation? (also known as the Agent Friendly Listing)
  • Key Lockbox: Does the website mention the importance of the key lockbox, and explain why it has been the standard in the real estate industry for years?

Flat Fee Listings save money only if they sell
Other Flat Fee Websites claim that it is the MLS that sells homes, just get a listing in there, any listing, and buyers will come to you. That simply isn't true, especially in today's market. An Agent UnFriendly listing is less likely to get showings, and less likely to sell, forcing the seller to pay the big traditional commission they wanted to avoid.

Why risk wasting your time and money to save a few more dollars?
Your time is valuable, the time your property sits on the market is expensive—why waste it? Flat fee sellers save over $8,000 on average, where sellers get in trouble is trying to save a few more dollars. List with the most trusted name in Flat Fee Home Sales, and see first hand how an Agent Friendly Listing makes the difference between success and failure.


We got burned by going with a flat fee broker that listed our home in the wrong MLS. Couldn't figure out why we had no traffic in a very hot market area. We've learned the ins/outs of FSBO with a flat fee broker and would like to see what you can do for us. Please call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Thank you.

Yes, we emphasize the importance of the Right MLS Guarantee and know that unfortunately most flat fee brokers will put people in the wrong MLS even when it likely will only waste time and money, and not help sell the home. Thanks for your time on the phone and we are glad we can put you into the Right MLS and look forward to seeing your place sell now that local buyers and agents can see it where they normally look for homes for sale.

Thanks for the inquiry. When you checkout, you will see a payment option for "Pay in 6 months" which will take you to our vendors website for a quick verification and approval process which will complete your order.

For more details on the program, click here.

Please let us know if you have additional questions. Thank you.