Seller's disclosure statement and required lead paint disclosure form |


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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

Seller's disclosure statement and required lead paint disclosure form

All the forms needed to list your property are included with the service.

Listing Forms
All the standard disclosure forms required in your area are included at no additional charge for the service. These are the forms that comply with State and local area laws and requirements.

Questions about forms or the paperwork?
Remember, live support by a real estate licensee is included if you are unsure of the forms. We can even walk you through the forms, step by step if you would like. Most of our customers do not find this necessary, but we are happy to assist.

Note: Disclosures are not included in California, where there are numerous disclosure forms, and typically involve paying a fee on or before closing to determine required disclosures for earthquake/fault line proximity and a host of other potential issues that need disclosure or reports created. These disclosures are typically treated much like a standard seller closing cost.