Agent showing scheduling by text message or email |


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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service

Agent showing scheduling by text message or email

Agents no longer want to call to schedule a showing and wait for a response. Now, nearly all agents prefer to schedule showings by clicking on the MLS listing rather than calling.

  • Recommended, but not required scheduling service
  • Quick, easy setup, then it takes only seconds to approve a showing
  • Highly convenient and acclaimed by sellers and buyer agents alike
  • Secure verification of agent identity
  • Known as Showingtime or Click to Show
  • Sellers indicate each showing date/time either approved, declined, or propose a new time
  • Upon seller approval, system securely delivers showing/access instructions to agent for how to enter the property
  • Auto-approve is available for vacant properties or highly flexible sellers
  • Creates a log of showing agents, dates, and times

Not available in all areas, and not all elements of Showingtime service are available/included in all areas.

Example email/text message sms showing request image may look different depending on your area.