Step by step home selling guidance |


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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service

Step by step home selling guidance

You won't be lost, our system guides you through the steps of a real estate transaction and breaks it down into simple tasks.

From before you list until closing, you not only receive our guidance but our professional staff is available for your questions.

You pick a topic: closing costs, title insurance, home inspections, appraisals, flat fee MLS, etc. you will be guided and learn what you need to know at the appropriate time in the home sale process, or any time you ask.

It's like our service includes Home Selling 101, so you won't have to wonder or be in the dark. Important: Information and guidance is limited to real estate licensee information, and requires the home seller to read transaction documents and our instructions. Other professionals, such as attorney, tax accountants, engineers could need to be consulted in rare circumstances, and are not included in our real estate service.