Example Flat Fee MLS Listing | BuySelfRealty.com


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Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

Example Flat Fee MLS Listing

This is an example from one of the over 700 different MLSs in the United States, before the 2024 rule changes that remove the cooperating commission fields. This is one format, and most MLSs have more than 10 different display formats for listings. This particular format is an example of the "Agent Only" Full Format of a listing, as it shows information the MLS considers confidential-the seller's contact information, etc.

Key points to remember about our Flat Fee MLS Listings in the Realtors Multiple Listing Service:

  1. Your listing looks like all the other listings.
  2. Your MLS listing shows your phone number.
  3. Any contact our brokerage receives are directed to the seller.

Flat Fee MLS Listing Example in PDF format