Cancel anytime/Not locked in
Whether you want to list with a different company, try selling on your own, or decide you don’t want to sell, it doesn’t matter. You are free to cancel your listing anytime, period.
I am surprised to find out that I was mentioned recently in the Inman News “100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders” report. This report “highlights the real estate industry's 100 most influential people” from Inman News, an established real estate industry news source. I never expected to be described as a “notable individuals who are worthy of mention.”
I’d like to thank my team, this publicity is the result of their work in leading the Flat Fee MLS Brokerage Industry. This recognition wouldn’t have been possible without their commitment to excellence.
Albert Hepp, Lead Broker of BuySelf Realty, Inc. was quoted in another Inman News story. The media article was dated 12/2/2009.
Inman News is the leading source of independent real estate news, information, advice, research, opinion and commentary for industry professionals and consumers alike.
Email us for more information on this media recognition.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has won the MLS trade case in which I testified back in 2007. You may recall the posts where I described the part I played in this case in Washington, DC.
No surprise, the Judges found that an MLS may not treat MLS listings of discounters differently than the listings of traditional listing brokerages. There were four Judges, and all four Judges agreed that MLSs can’t discriminate.
Albert Hepp was quoted in another Wall Street Journal article/story about real estate on November 3rd.
Please email us for more information about the article.
BuySelf Realty's Lead Broker Albert Hepp was quoted in another Inman Real Estate News story on November 1st.
Inman News is the leading source of independent real estate news, information, advice, research, opinion and commentary for industry professionals and consumers alike.
Email us for more information about the article.
I am excited to serve as Governmental Affairs Chair for 2009-2010 for the Association of Realtors. There will be lots of meetings to attend because I also will serve on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, but I have always found this time well spent.
One popular question we have received over the past few years is "How do current real estate market conditions impact Flat Fee Listings?"
My answer is simple: Flat Fee MLS is healthy, and awareness of flat fee MLS as a home selling option continues to steadily grow.
I've had more than one interview where I was concerned that the reporter didn't adequately understand the topic, but this was the opposite extreme. The reporter for this article really hit the ball out of the park, in my opinion.
Angie's List just published an article entitled "Home buyers, sellers empowered by online information" and the reporter Paul Pogue did an excellent job. Granted, he has thoroughly investigated and learned about the real estate industry over the years, unlike some reporters who have to approach it brand new with a short deadline.
We are starting to see more and more listings with video tours of the property. When tours are done well, they are a great tool for increasing buyer interest in the property. The videos are still new enough that they make a listing stand out from other listings.
The best news is that in most areas posting a video is free.