Flat Fee MLS Listing, zero upfront, pay 6 months later with no interest | BuySelfRealty.com


Total: $0.00


Highest Rated Flat Fee MLS Listing Service
BuySelf, Inc., Real Estate, Flat Fee MLS Listing Home Sales,Bloomington, MN

Flat Fee MLS Listing, zero upfront, pay 6 months later with no interest

No Interest if paid in full in 6 months

Would you like to buy a flat fee mls listing now and pay in 6 months with no interest?

We have a vendor who provides a new way to fund your flat fee MLS listing

  •     It's fast and easy - no credit card to enter and approval just takes seconds
  •     Your purchases ship to you now and the bill comes later
  •     All of your purchases will appear on one bill
  •     It's safe - you're covered with "Zero Fraud Liability" Protection 

 Here’s what you’ll want to know:

Add the service to your cart, and checkout. Select the 6 months no interest payment option. You'll start with Buying Power for one listing… just what you need.  If you choose to pay over time, the Annual Percentage Rate is 25.99% and the Minimum Interest charge is $3.00. Terms If you happen to pay late you could receive a late fee of up to $39. This offer is subject to credit approval as determined by the lender, and is available to US customers who are of legal age in their state of residence. You must pay with Vendor to get the offer. Offer not valid on previous purchases, returns, or exchanges.  Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the purchase balance is not paid in full within 6 months. 

Pay in full by the promotion expiration date as listed below and you will not be charged interest. If you do not pay in full by the promotion expiration date, interest will apply from the date of purchase.For example if purchase is made in: June 2019 Date to pay in full by to avoid interest (Promotion Expiration Date):   January 1, 2020

If approved, the Vendor will extend credit to you for the amount financed to pay for your purchase. Vendor will pay BuySelf Realty/brokerage on your behalf to pay for the purchase. You’ll give your Date of Birth and the last 4 digits of your social security number, accept the terms, and you're done. Approval takes only seconds.

Important: This is not an offer to lend. This offer is subject to credit approval and may change at any time, including not being available in certain areas. This service is provided by a third party, not by BuySelf Realty or affiliates. Carefully review the agreement before you complete signing up for the service, as terms may have changed.